
Milestone 1: Project initiation phase completed

Within the scope of WP5 (Project management) a the projet initiantion phase will be completed including a user recruitment plan, a dissemination plan, a project website and project management plans.

Milestone 2: Functional design SOULMATE ready

As a result of WP1 (Co-creation of end-users) the functional design of the project will be ready to use including all the functional specifications.

Milestone 3: SOULMATE ready for initial testing

With regard to WP2 (Integration of mobility solution components) the SOULMATE project will be ready for testing a SOULMATE global platform implementation will be available.

Milestone 4: Initial testing conducted and evaluated

Within the scope of WP3 (Testing & evaluation) the initial testing will be conducted and evaluated. A report will be made about the results and feedback will be given.

Milestone 5: Final SOULMATE solution ready

As a result of WP2 (Integration of mobility solution components) the final SOULMATE solution will be ready for field trials.

Milestone 6: Field trials conducted and evaluated

With regard to WP3 (Testing & evaluation) the field trials will be conducted and evaluated. A report about the further developed fiel trials will be made using the results of the trials and feedback will be given.

Milestone 7: Final business plan finished

Within the scope of WP4 (Dissemination & Exploitation) the final business plan will be finished.

Milestone 8: SOULMATE project finished

As a result of WP’s 1,2,3,4 and 5 the SOULMATE project will be finished. There will be a public available final report, covering all main aspects of the SOULMATE project and integrated solution.